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Underrated Shazam

The amazing invention of Shazam has changed the life of so many artists. I think it is a very underrated aspect of the distribution of music that needs to be given more credit. I know personally i have shazamed hundreds of songs and i have been exposed to so many bands that i would never of found. I think it is very hard to gain recognition as an artist when you don,t fit the mould of the top 40 sound. When you have a niche market and audience it is sometimes difficult to expose yourself to them. The ability to stand in a cafe and hot your phone up so it can listen to the song that is being played then tell you who it is is amazing peice of software that means a small band from Melbourne could be played in America, instead of people listening and the just liking the music they can save that song and artist and go back and listen again at a time that suits them.

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